A stop action animated video.
Nostramomus is a humorous gift book for new and expecting moms. We chose the name, “Nostramomus,” because we believe the superpower of "mother’s intuition" allows moms to better foresee their baby's future than anyone else.
Nostramomus was created by Julie and Christopher Sartorius. Julie works in the insurance industry and Chris is a full-time writer. They live with their two children outside of Atlanta, GA. You can learn more about Chris’ screenplays here, and his children’s books here.
To receive the latest Nostramomus comics and videos, just like Chris’ Facebook page.
Sign up to hear about our upcoming Nostramomus picture book, including exclusive discounts. We hope to find a publisher in the near future. Your contact information will always stay in-house and will never be shared with third-parties.
The illustrations and artwork are made by talented artists we collaborate with to bring our visions to the page.
Copyright © 2022 Nostramomus - All Rights Reserved.